How Erupting Teeth Feel Different As Adults than As Children Posted on 5/20/2019 by Sundberg Office As an adult, it is possible to experience pain from teething. We see many patients who did not have their wisdom teeth removed as a child who experience pain as adults when they do finally begin to erupt.
Wisdom Teeth
Believe it or not, not all wisdom teeth are problematic, and for this reason, not all patients have them removed during their teen years. As a matter of fact, not all people grow wisdom teeth; it's possible that you or your child may never get them. However, if you do notice that you are beginning to experience pain behind your molars you do need to see us right away. After a checkup that includes x-rays, we can determine if you are in fact, beginning to teethe as an adult and help you deal with that discomfort. As an infant or a child begins to have teeth erupt, we may notice an increase in body temperature, irritability, swollen gums and excessive drooling. An adult who is beginning to have wisdom teeth erupt will have very different symptoms. Adult symptoms of teething can include shooting pain, headaches, earaches and gum discomfort. Once the tooth has broken the surface of the gum, or erupted, the discomfort will lessen tremendously. To deal with the pain of erupting wisdom teeth you can use ice or cold packs applied to the other cheek to help reduce gum swelling, you also can use a small amount of oral pain reliever applied directly to the area. Keep on top of your oral health care during this time, it is important to continue to brush twice daily and floss at least once per day. Using a mouthwash will also help to soothe the area and ensure that the gums do not become infected. Any time you begin to experience oral pain, you should call our office right away.