The Connection Between Exercise and Good Oral Health

The Connection Between Exercise and Good Oral Health Posted on 4/23/2017 by Sundberg Office When you take good care of your body through nutritious foods and exercise, you are more apt to take care of your mouth, as well. Part of taking care of your body is making sure that you aren’t letting bacteria fester anywhere in your body. If you leave your mouth alone to decay instead of taking care of it, that bacteria are going to spread outside of your mouth and damage more of your body.

What Bacteria from Your Mouth Can Do To Your Body

When you leave bacteria in your mouth, it grows. The bacteria feeds on sugars and produces acids which erode your teeth. Once the teeth have started to decay, the bacteria then spread to other parts of your body. The plaque that is left from the buildup and bacteria in the mouth, then moves around the body. Plaque has been found in the stomach, the heart, and even the brain. It is thought to be one of the contributing factors of Alzheimer’s Disease. By caring for your body through exercise, you show that your body is important to you. This means that you need to take care to protect your mouth, too. Brush each morning and each night, floss and rinse with mouthwash before bed, and make sure to drink plenty of tap water. That, in combination with proper exercise, will help your body take care of you. Contact our office about your current oral hygiene routine. Find out if you are doing everything you should be doing to get the healthy mouth you want and deserve. If you are missing anything, have them show you so you can dedicate the necessary time to your mouth as you do to your body. That way, you can confidently show off your smile and your body at the same time!

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PDX Center for Dentistry

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Portland, OR 97205

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Monday: 7:00am to 5:00pm
Tuesday: 7:00am to 5:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00am to 5:00pm
Thursday: 7:00am to 5:00pm
Friday: 7:00am to 5:00pm

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